
AFA offers a variety of programs throughout the year for a range of musicians, including different disciplines, instruments, and grade levels. Use the tool below to focus on what is available to you in the current season, or browse all of our programs and sessions.

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Select what you do & your grade level to find the program right for you.

  • Brass
  • Strings
  • Woodwind
  • Composition
  • Piano
  • Harp
  • Percussion



Chamber Music Academy

A unique opportunity for young musicians to deepen their experience and skills as musicians through rehearsing and performing chamber music in small, customized ensembles.

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Composition Studies

Students at all levels of experience may enroll in one-on-one composition lessons with AFA Teaching Artists in order to hone their individual music-writing skills as well as join their fellow students on outings and activities involving AFA’s artistic collaborators.

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Summer Music Festival: Composition Boot Camp

The Boot Camp session is a three day introductory session focusing on the development of fundamental music skills and the student’s creative voice, offering instruction in technique, instrumentation, music theory and more.

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Summer Music Festival: Composition Intensive

The Intensive is a one-of-a-kind, pre-professional experience for young composers taking place over five weeks and featuring in-depth writing projects in collaboration with some of Houston’s premier arts organizations, including Houston Ballet. The Composition Studio Intensive is an unparalleled opportunity for local young composers!

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Summer Music Festival: Piano Arts Workshop

Take your playing to the next level at AFA year round by developing skills not only as a soloist but also as a collaborative pianist and musician. Piano at AFA includes solo work, chamber music, and much more.

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Summer Music Festival: String Institute

The String Institute offers string players the opportunity to learn, rehearse, and perform challenging and fun music for 2 full weeks, guided by expert Teaching Artists. Students from across the Houston area attend, allowing students to meet their peers who love playing a string instrument as much as they do!

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Summer Music Festival: Wind & Brass Boot Camp

The Wind & Brass Boot Camp offers its participants three days of learning and deepening their skills and techniques on their instrument. Students from across the Houston area attend, allowing students to meet their peers who love playing an instrument as much as they do!

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I am a

I am a
  • Instrumentalist
  • Composer
  • Pianist

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